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Oh, my weary heart moans
For my lost Southern home
After Katrina came ashore
With her winds and her rains,
Her sea waves and her pains –
As I kneel where my house was before.

And who will help us now
And even so – just how
After Rita roared through our homes.
Struck twice and more to come,
Seems we're always on the run,
I'm saddened as I weep here alone?

Oh, my weary heart moans
For my lost Southern home,
My family, my neighbors and friends.
No thing will be the same
As my tears fall again
And I moan for my lost Southern home.

Oh, my weary heart moans
For my lost Southern home
Where once life was peaceful and free.
Oh, who will help us now
So we'll rebuild somehow
And live again in my Southern home?

W.C.Hull © 20050902